
最近Wii U上比较火的一个游戏就是Splatoon乌贼娘了。一开始看宣传片觉得这是个低幼版枪枪枪,但后来看到800也在玩又看到这游戏出乎意料的火,就也玩了玩。上手之后很快就能感觉到这游戏为什么火了。

这游戏一上来感觉跟传统的CoD之类的射击游戏最大的不同就是射程短。即使是狙击枪也经常会看得到敌人而射程够不着;机关枪更是只能中距离战斗,常见的情形是隔着五六个身位互射;更有一小半人在用大受欢迎的刷子这种近身搏斗的武器。于是整体来说就是一个中距离战斗为主的游戏,而且瞄准还是很傻的拿着Wii U的大Pad来体感瞄准。虽然枪法准还是有优势,但是肯定不是决定性的了。对不太玩射击游戏的新手玩家很友好。



有Wii U的玩家推荐入一个来玩玩,反正最近主机上可玩的游戏都不多。。

Tips for Visiting Metropolitan Museum of Art



  • The 25$ admission fee is a suggested donation. So pay whatever you feel appropriate. 
  • Grab a museum map and a “Now on View” for special/temporary exhibitions. 
  • They have public wifi and a mobile app.
  • Water fountains are available. Some drinks are not allowed through the security check.  
  • If it’s your first visit, check the highlights like the Greek and the Egyptian wings. Do realize the museum is huge and can take days to explore. Have priorities. 
  • Special exhibitions are often wonderful. 
  • Audio guide is more useful if you are not in a hurry. 
  • If you have more opportunities to visit and it’s not your first time, pick one or two exhibitions and read everything through. Leave if not absorbing.
  • There are plenty of places to go around MET: Central Park, restaurants, cafe and bakeries, shops, etc. Look them up.
  • Last but probably most important: ignore the crowds, or at least don’t get bothered by them. It’s a basic survival skill in NYC. 
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