Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

说起来这也是年初的时候小期待的游戏,但后来听闻评价一般就没买,年末降价才入手。我一直对Metal Gear系列不怎么感冒,2/3/4代都开了个头就放下了。但这部外传性质的刀剑砍杀型还满对我胃口,于是上手就很愉快的通了。

这游戏初上手感觉一般,作为Xbox 360末期的作品画面偏糙。虽然比较符合P+组一贯的风格,但是这游戏的人设又比较怪异,主角作为超现实的Cyborg忍者,似乎太肌肉了一些,还穿高跟鞋,下巴还是金属的一口钢牙。于是整体看起来就是有一些怪怪的地方,打到后来看惯了才觉得还好。



作为Metal Gear系列的外传,还是有一些潜入成分的。大约一多半的杂兵战看起来是设计成让你可以潜入一个一个从背后干掉的。但我实在不怎么喜欢3D潜入,于是大部分时候都硬上了,反正弱一些的杂兵直接放大招就可以切掉还可以补满气槽继续放大招。。各种火箭筒手雷之类的花头也很多,但Normal难度下普遍觉得很难用还不如直接砍。


总的感觉是这游戏从各种流行的动作游戏(鬼泣,战神,忍龙,贝姐)还有它自己的本家Metal Gear里面各学了些东西,拼起来的制作水准还可以。至于它自己独创的这个斩的系统吧,爽快有余深度不足。加上内容并不算丰富,于是只能算二线动作游戏,介于小品和大作之间吧。最近主机平台动作游戏空档期,这个游戏十几块钱的价格还算值得入手玩玩。

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DMC5 Demo




总的来说这demo的感觉比Mass Effect 3好太多。。。01/15/2013,密切关注



Gears of War 3

Defeated Gears of War 3 last weekend at normal difficulty. As always, not a very long shooting game. Walkthrough length was about 15 hours. This one put an end to the trilogy story. Frankly, I can hardly remember the story now. This is just a game to shoot monsters, saw them, and watch blood on screen.

The big difference this time, for me, is I finally can fight online… Played versus mode a few times and found I’m not a big fan of CS style games. My kill/death ratio is between 1/5 to 1/10. This is not fun. Then I moved to the Horde mode and really enjoyed it. That’s a mode that players cooperate to survive waves of enemies. Though my best score was only about 20 waves (there are 50 waves in total), it’s much more fun to kill monsters together with ppl.

The best part of GeoW2 in my mind was playing as a sniper. It was super enjoyable to watch monster head blast in the scope sight and hear the crack sound. In GeoW3 enemies are a little bit more clever, so it’s not that easy to snipe them anymore. Assault rifles became obviously strong and I had to use them a lot, which is kinda boring.

Another weird part of GeoW3 is most enemies in ACT 1 are locust. Their blood is golden! For a long time I thought there was some violence setting and googled how to disable it. Until I finally saw some red blood from beast enemies…

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Returned Apple TV

After using Apple TV for 3 days, I bricked it and returned it to Amazon…

Before buying it, I thought the main function of Apple TV was to play downloaded movies on computer. Then I found this was totally wrong. Apple TV is designed for buying/renting movies, either from iTunes or Netflix. Another selling point is its AirPlay integration with iOS devices. However videos from ppLive usually only have 480p quality or worse, so they look terrible on big TV. And AirPlay randomly broke after 1 hour use… It’s not that nice.

Then I jailbroke Apple TV, installed XBMC, hoping it could stream movies on my laptop. Experiences with XBMC were quite frustrating. It’s too like a developer toy, not a “product” at all. It was a pain to input anything, a huge pain to connect it with OSX system, and it crashed all the time. Eventually I got it work (broken intermittently though), but it still had so many drawbacks: poor subtitle support, poor seek function, and slow buffering.

I tried Netflix on Apple TV then, it worked pretty well and finally gave me a bit satisfaction after I got this thing. Because Apple TV started to support Netflix subtitle since 4.4, I tried to upgrade it from 4.3(jailbroken) to 4.4. Then it became a brick… Even restoring in iTunes couldn’t fix it. Considering the hours I wasted on it, I decided to return it. Amazon’s customer service is great. I got full refund very soon.

XBox 360 also has Netflix/YouTube and it worked pretty well. I don’t really see the reason to keep both Apple TV and XBox connected to TV. Microsoft is catching up pretty fast in the living room war, maybe already ahead of Apple?

Skyrim,Dark Souls和Kinect



Dark Souls名不虚传,太自虐了,我就没见过这么虐玩家的游戏。第一个boss在我还没看到它的时候跳起来一棒就把我拍死了。重试了n次终于过了这个之后,我攻击了一个NPC,然后悲剧开始了。这个NPC疯狂的追着我打,我跑出去好远他还追得上来,然后两刀就能把我剁掉。我死了之后一重生他还继续打!在被他砍死十几次之后我愤而退出游戏,读盘再进来他居然还追着打!无奈之下我只好重新开了个存档,然后就小心翼翼的不敢碰任何NPC了。然后在某个地方被一个拖着棒子的小兵两下拍死,回到了一个巨远的存盘点,ORZ。。。然后这游戏不管怎样都不给你暂停,无论是开游戏菜单还是XBox菜单……我决定等想自虐的时候再继续玩这个。


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