继续往南开了两小时到达Black Canyon of The Gunnison的北沿,走North Vista Trail。这个公园的北沿连个visitor center都没有,只有个ranger station。这个trail单程3英里多一点,一英里的地方有个Exclamation Point,有很不错的峡谷view,可以看到底下的Gunnison河,爬到顶是个小山头,周围的草木长得太高了,反倒看不到多少东西,有点失望。
这天我意识到除了Black Canyon我还需要找一些别的事儿干,因为晚上订了继续住那个小木屋,而Black Canyon南沿半天也就看完了。于是早上我去了当地的一个土味博物馆Museum of the Mountain West,结果出人意料的还挺好玩。里面的展品都是馆长的个人收藏,everything about American west。有整栋搬来的小学校教室,有从河里捡回来的电话亭那么大的小邮局,有锈成渣渣的老爷车,奇奇怪怪的东西很多,讲解的tour长达两个半小时,相当丰富。
第三天上午往南开往Mesa Verde,大约三个小时的车程。路上经过一个滑雪度假小镇Telluride吃午饭。这个镇给我的感觉就是超级posh,满街都是搞得很hip的餐馆和小店,路边房子都装饰得很漂亮,还有一个summer art show。。这个镇附近全是雪山,公路风景超级漂亮。而且这附近海拔也很高,开过的一些地方都有9000~10000英尺了。
我上午去了Zapata Falls。这是个很短的trail,“难点”反倒是到trailhead的破石头路,颠得不行,开车开得像在坐船。还好经过上次西雅图两个布满大坑的路的洗礼,我已经不怎么怵这种路了,Camry也照样能走,开慢点就行。Trail尽头是一小段很窄的峡谷,里面是瀑布。Cute little trail.
Assume you’re a developer, if you start writing a new project today and need this allow/block functionality, would you use the terms “whitelist/blacklist”?
If the answer is yes, I think you’re being too insensitive.
If the answer is no, then the difference comes down to the migration cost: whether the preference to terms other than “blacklist” overweight the cost of changing codes. We should respect a piece of working software. So I won’t judge companies that don’t replace “blacklist” as a term since I’m not in the position to evaluate the migration cost of a project I don’t know, which could be really big. For the same reason, you shouldn’t judge a project that replaces “blacklist” since you probably don’t know their migration cost as well.