iPad Mini体验

入手iPad Mini大约一周了,简单说说体验。



然后是最被各种评测诟病的部分:屏幕。简单的说是会看到很多渲染得不太好看的字体。很多小字号的字在iPad2和iPhone上看起来没问题,在iPad Mini上就会显得发虚,我没有经常使用iPad Retina也还是很容易就注意到了,尤其是中文字。举几个例子:

  • 默认设置下的iMessage文字
  • Photo Stream里面的评论
  • Kindle看英文书的默认字体
  • 印象里就连刚启动的几个欢迎屏幕里面都有很明显发虚的字,如果选的是中文的话。

嗯那么是不是可以解决呢?系统设置的Accessibility里面把最小字号设成20pt可以解决大部分系统字体的问题比如iMessage的。大部分阅读类的程序也都有设置字号的功能,调大个两三级就没问题了,比如Kindle, Pocket, 各种Newsstand里面的杂志。但还是有少数地方没法调整,再说每个应用都得调大文字也挺麻烦的。只能说现在的大部分网页和应用都没有针对iPad Mini优化过视觉效果。相信假以时日一些比较精细的应用是会特别优化的,不过从另一方面来说iOS的开发者又多了一些工作量。。

总体来说iPad Mini还是很赞的,一番调整之后就可以用的很爽了。毕竟平时常用的应用也就那么十个八个的样子。尺寸和重量还是实实在在的优势。

哦还有一点是iPad Mini的Smart Cover恶评如潮,我看了一下就没敢买。

What a Week




这work from home的状况整整持续了一周。非常神奇的是位于曼哈顿downtown的数据中心一开始居然没挂,靠自己的发电机在维持。公司群发的邮件还贴了那个数据中心门口送燃料的卡车排着队的照片,说应该没问题。结果当天晚上那个数据中心就挂了……过了半天之后恢复了。各种base在纽约的网站纷纷挂掉。还好贵司还有别的数据中心……

本来约了周一晚上去听一个歌剧。xw的朋友的老公在里面唱和声。。后来他们从周一改期到周三,就是万圣节晚上。周三地铁还都没开,只有公交和出租。下午五六点给各种car service打电话完全没人接,不过运气很好的在门口打到一辆yellow cab。进城之后发现有些路爆堵。不过倒没有整个岛堵死,两侧的highway还是比较畅通的。打车绕了个弯然后走了几个block到Columbia Circle那边吃饭听歌剧。半夜11点打车回家,出租在岛西侧的highway一路往南走到断电的区域,看着河对岸灯火通明的新泽西和这边黑成一片的曼哈顿,感觉很奇怪。在车上看见一条微博说纽约的出租车司机都在唱“黄色潜水艇”,其实真被淹了的地方都没有yellow cab。。但这种在没有红绿灯没有街灯的地方开车是有点像在潜水。



哦,还有这周收了n条iPhone上的Emergency Alert…

Migrate to Macbook Air

I got the new Air after back from Beijing. I didn’t make the move for 11” and got an 13” eventually. It is the same resolution (1440×900) as my old MBP 15”, so my wallpaper collection can still be used, lol.

Somehow I decided to do migration in the clean way, which means I didn’t use the OS X migration tool but manually reinstalled/copied almost everything. The steps are fewer than I thought:

  1. Install a few apps from Mac App Store.
  2. Install Dropbox and all documents/scripts/vim configurations can be considered done.
  3. Copy over some large folders via an external hard drive, including code repos, iTunes music, photos, etc.
  4. Install dozens of software not available from App Store. This is the time-consuming part. I noticed I still need bit torrent for a few softwares. And the developer tools took the most time (Xcode, Eclipse, etc).
  5. Install homebrew and a bunch of command line tools from there.
  6. Miscellaneous system configurations. As the new laptop comes with Mountain Lion, I did these configurations while exploring the new system.

Overall it was pretty fast. The SSD harddisk dramatically accelerated the process of installing softwares. And the network speed in US office is sweet.

I also picked up a few new tools in this transition. I used iTerm2 to replace TotalTerminal, tried PathFinder and decided not to use it, replaced Cocoa VIM with MacVim, started to use some apps in full screen mode. All in all the new environment is satisfying so far.


Considering to Get A 11” Air

Really attracted by this article http://37signals.com/svn/posts/3237-a-few-product-recommendations

Any suggestions? I think 11” is big enough for vim.. Will check it out in Apple Store.


Checked the actual machines in an Apple store yesterday. The width of the screen is actually more than necessary at most times, so the height matters. 11” has 15% less height than 13” (768 vs. 900). With 14pt font, the size I’m used to, in maximized Terminal 11” can show 42 rows while 13” can show 49 rows.

Not sure if the further portability of 11” really matters to me, who just carries the laptop for commute and has been carrying 15” MBP for years. So probably I will go for 13” for this time.

Here is a reference link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_displays_by_pixel_density#Apple

It’s Summer

Went to Jamaica Bay in Saturday. It’s interesting that you jump onto a subway, after 30 minutes you’re at the beach. Surely it would be nicer if I use a car, because some places are still not very accessible by subway, for example the Wildlife Refuge I wanted to go at first. However the beach is close enough to the station.

The Rockaway beach is for surfing, so lots of people were surfing there. Waves are not strong when we were there, so most people were just playing with the surfing board for fun, not really “professional” surfing. That made us think maybe we can get a surfing board and play a bit.

Went to Whitney Museum today, for the “Fireflies on Water” special exhibition. We arrived there at 1pm and saw a long line at the gate… And today’s special exhibition tickets were sold out already. This museum opens at 11am. I was quite impressed by how popular it is. Before going I guess there wouldn’t be many people because most tourists go to MET and other famous museums. Well, seems I was wrong. Need to go to this place at an earlier time.

So we ended in MET for the afternoon. MET was also crowded but at least we could get tickets and enter in 5 minutes. After that we had Japanese BBQ at Gyu Kaku. This BBQ is pretty famous and really good, especially in happy hours. Beef tongue is the best I’ve ever had.

I switched to unlimited ride metro card a few weeks ago. It indeed help push me to go outside and visit the city. That’s the way to enjoy summer time. Maybe I should buy one for xw too.