





过了一会儿经理来了,居然还说不好换厨房不给换,这真nm是个厨房统治下的饭馆!然后又说我们已经把甜的吃到只剩一个了,于是只能换一个!@#$ 我们当时就很无语,说你换一个吧那就,你做得出来就行。


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Broadway on Broadway

We went to “Broadway on Broadway” free concert last weekend. It was a public show in Time Square, right at the cross of 46 St and Broadway. The performers are all from broadway musicals, basically one song for each show. There are more than 10 songs this year.

We arrived there 10 minutes before the show started. It was quite crowded already, and we could only stand by the TKTS glass stairs. From that place we could barely see the stage, but had to watch LCD screens all around us. The streets and audience area got much much more crowded after the show officially began, because so many passengers and tourists stopped for it. This is how it looks

<a href=”http://imgur.com/yiaSN”><img src=”http://i.imgur.com/yiaSNl.jpg” title=”Hosted by imgur.com” alt=”” /></a>

The TKTS stairs are actually a good spot to watch the show. But at first it is only open to some people. I guess they were members or bought some ticket. After the show started for about 10 minutes, the staff began to let other people in because there was still lots of space on those stairs and probably no one will buy ticket anymore. We were pretty lucky and got 2 seats :)

The show was very nice. It’s not an anytime opportunity to take a peek of lots of famous musicals on the stage. Though most performers are not wearing the costume, and the stage was not specially designed, it’s still a quite different experience to watch them there than on YouTube. I mean, much better. It’s a smart advertising way.

One of the most impressive shows that day for me was “MoTown”. It’s about to hit the stage in NYC in 2013 spring, so now it’s just a preview. The black girl singers and dancers were so energetic and vivid. It’s not easy to stay immune to their radiant performance, if possible. “Once” and “Spiderman” seem targeting teenagers. The female singer of “Scandalous” has an amazing voice. “Mamma Mia” and “Chicago” are 2 shows I watched,  which I still recommend.

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周三独立日放假一天,去Coney Island看了有名的美国吃热狗大赛。这比赛从小就听说,现在才发现就在离家一小时地铁的地方。也不用买票,比赛就在一个比较宽阔的路口搭的台子上,下了地铁循着声音过去就是。到了那儿我拍了张照想上传,然后就发现instagram上有张几乎一样的照片。四处看了看,在左边两米的地方发现师弟一位。。



这个比赛是Nathan’s Famous办的,结束之后立刻就有无数人去买这个店的热狗吃。我们在附近惊奇的发现一家Grimaldi’s,就是Brooklyn很有名的那个pizza。吃了一下之后不得不说和桥下那家总店味道差距很明显。

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Breakneck Ridge, Again

Went to Breakneck Ridge to hike again this Saturday with lots of friends (7 people in total). It’s almost an exact replicate of my one-man hike 1.5 years ago: Breakneck Ridge loop => Little Stony Point => Cold Spring. The difference is we took a smaller loop this time, and had some drinks in Cold Spring.

The fun part of Breakneck Ridge is at the beginning. The first 0.5~1 hours, depending on how fast you hike, can be pretty challenging for people who don’t hike often. After that there are many trail choices, and you can plan a loop of almost any length. This time the 7 of us split to 3 groups: riki couple was really fast and went ahead a lot; Jack/Sharon/Xiang took photos and fell in the middle; xw and I were really slow and took the shortest possible loop…

Little Stony Point park has small beaches. It’s warmer this time so we hang out there for a while. Most of my photos on Instagram of this trip were from here.

The whole team rendezvoused at a French restaurant in Cold Spring. It’s an interesting feeling to walk into this beautiful town after 1.5 years. I saw those nice buildings, yards, bench by the river which had been so clear in my memory stayed exactly the same, only the season changed. Such a quite and timeless town.

It was actually my dream to revisit all these beautiful places I had been in US with xw again. Breakneck Ridge and Cold Spring are the first step!

Brooklyn Boulders




