Played Games for Two Whole Days

Last weekend it was really cold. I stayed at dorm and played games for almost 2 whole days -_- Super Mario Galaxy and Monster Hunter Portable 2, alternatively…

SMG is super fun. I had passed the final boss one week before, however, still far away from really completing this fabulous game. There are 242 stars totally, 120 for Mario, 120 for Luigi (Mario’s brother, dressed in green), and 1 more final hidden stars for each of them. Now I’m on my way to collecting Mario’s 120 stars, already got 101, haha

MHP2 is a famous game on PSP, produced by CAPCOM. In this game you will play as a monster hunter, go to snow mountains, rain forests, volcanos and some other places to hunt various monsters such as huge dragons, using a lot of types of weapons. A big feature of MHP series is that the hunter’s (character in the game) maximum HP and Stamina won’t increase all over the game. The hunter’s power can be raised by getting better weapons and armors, but pretty limited. What really matters is the skills of player. Even if given a very good set of equipments, a novice player without practices and experiences still can’t defeat a tiny boss monster! The monster’s absolute strenght always surpasses the hunter a lot, so the player must be cautious all the time and only be able to defeat the monster with adept skills. This is the essential thing of this game, which makes it really popular~ But it’s indeed a little hard, so I won’t recommend it to girls who aren’t good at action games, lol



最常见的是Wii Sports和Wii Play,这个就不说了,有Wii的几乎都会玩一玩。相比之下我觉得Wii Play更好玩一些,尤其是坦克,还有几个项目的对战,不过美国人都喜欢Sports,这些傻乎乎的美国佬,哈哈。

严重推荐Mario Party 8 (马里奥聚会8),完全的聚会游戏,而且至少要三个人以上一起玩才有意思,而且是特别有意思。其欢乐程度直追小学的时候第一次玩强手棋和中学的时候第一次玩大富翁,一帮人大呼小叫的扔色子,玩各种弱智小游戏,游戏设计得非常紧张激烈,常常是不到最后一刻完全无法知道谁会获胜。玩起来是有些技术和谋略的因素,但是这游戏的运气和各种随机事件常常会突然逆转战局……某小猪的小游戏虽然玩得一塌糊涂,但迄今为止的战绩居然还有两次获胜,hmmm。这游戏玩一盘大概需要一个多小时,由于太欢乐了,一般一晚上只能玩一盘,没力气玩第二盘。6张玩法迥异的地图,几十个简单好玩的小游戏,嗯,有Wii的同学们快去凑凑手柄吧,不要错过这个游戏,hoho。



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