Twitter Ads试用


界面做得是很漂亮的也带着明显的twitter风格,bootstrap什么的。里面的内容相比一般的广告系统来说十分简单,只有两个tab,campaigns tab是campaign的设置和report,analytics tab是timeline和follower的analysis和visualization。

Twitter campaign的设置很简单,除了日期,总预算,每日预算和投标价格之外就都是targeting了。可以根据用户的兴趣,地理位置,设备,性别来进行投放。兴趣是重头,是可以随便输入由系统自动补全成内置的兴趣条目的,总数估计要以千计。在调整targeting的时候页面右边会实时给你一个大概估计的目标用户数。事实上投放的广告就是自己的tweets,可以手动选择一些也可以由系统自动选择。竞标成功的话效果就是你的tweet出现在别人的timeline里面,当然是带着promote的标签的。而收钱是按照engagement收的,用户对promote的tweet进行点击,回复,收藏,retweet或者开始follow你,这都算作engagement。竞标的价格也就是单个engagement的价格,推荐的竞标价是2$左右。



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Hosting Migration



我当初买这个空间就是为了放blog,以及偶尔放点页面。那时候还是blog比较红火的时候,WordPress和blogger都很红且都被墙,国内还很多人用Live Space,各种blog提供商方兴未艾但比较下来还是自建比较爽。


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Why I Moved Away from Tweetbot

I bought Tweebot and used it for a week. Then I switched back to official twitter app. Here is why.

Tweetbot does have some “personalized” features. It has a dark theme and fancy sound effects, but I don’t really care about these stuff. It has left/right slide gesture, but I found them not intuitive and hard to memorize. The double/triple click is not always detected, so sometimes I have to click lots of times of a tweet and feel myself silly. The customizable tab looks useful, but not for me. What I want is to use a list as a tab, like what I do with Echofon for Mac. But Tweetbot doesn’t support that.

Besides these specious features, Tweetbot has some shortcomings compared to official app. “Discover” is an important part in official app. I check it at times and find it interesting.  Another crucial advantage of official app is speed! When view conversations or tweet detail, official app is obviously faster than Tweetbot.

Tweetbot does have a few delicate features that worth noting, such as the “unread counter”, and “select the last photo from library”. However after all, official app is a much better choice for now.

—–After a year——

Using Tweetbot on iPhone and iPad. Maybe just tired of the look and feel of the official app.