
  • 珠峰大本营
  • 告别Flux,开始了Firsthand

今年的旅游数量还好。年初去了以色列,四月尼泊尔,八月魁北克,十月墨西哥城和德州,加上三月和五月两趟伦敦出差。尼泊尔这趟hiking很棒,但是除此之外就只有德州这一趟hiking trip了,难怪我现在觉得有点憋得慌。


  • 最终幻想16:老牌迟暮,玩到后来比较鸡肋,以强迫症为动力还是通关了。
  • 马里奥奇迹:玩了一点就放下了,一个人玩这游戏不是很有意思。
  • 街霸6:玩了玩桑吉尔夫上网打了打。一键发大招的modern control模式很友好。
  • 塞尔达王国之泪:今年的年度游戏无疑。虽然没有前作那么开天辟地,但也达到了不负众望的程度。
  • Diablo 4:个人觉得还不错。
  • 火焰纹章Engage:又一个打了一半被别的事情中断之后就没再捡起来的游戏。

今年的桌游依然是被Ark Nova统治的一年。。打了几个月之后入手了海洋馆扩展,于是又重拾起来兴致勃勃的玩了十几盘。但我在网上玩了大约两百盘Ark Nova。。等级分数到了400之后开始上上下下,有点下棋的感觉,也就没那么好玩了。跟平时一起玩桌游的朋友玩的话也有点熟练度相差过大,伤感情。



  • 请回答1988:我很少看韩剧,看到这个时代为主爱情为辅的韩剧倒是很喜欢。虽然煽情煽到特别用力的时候也偶尔会吃不消,但大体还是觉得浓淡相宜。
  • Scavengers Reign:意外发现的科幻动画,很不错。
  • 异世界归来的舅舅:游戏主题的动画在我心里会有不少加分,如果做得好的话就会很喜欢。前几年的HiScore Girl,今年则是这部。
  • The Last of Us:今年我最喜欢的美剧吧,不仅仅是因为科幻游戏主题,感觉整个剧就是做得很好。

40岁于我是开始感觉到自己有些变老的一年。中年开始健身是一个典型的反应吧,意识到自己的mortalness,身体不再像年轻的时候一样可以随意挥霍。数个游戏打不起兴趣来玩,也让我有点忧心自己是不是玩不动游戏了,但年底又玩了一些,于是也可能只是有几个阶段忙工作顾不上。年底去了趟漫展觉得真的有点看不动,作为一个对原神嗤之以鼻的老玩家,大概和年轻一代的文化的确脱节了。Oh, and the fucking reading glasses…

Flux到了今年进入了一个shit show的状态,有道是85%的收购都是失败的,我想我们很确定不是那15%了吧,lol。对我个人来说,趁着GenAI这一波热潮出来再创个业也就变成了一个并不艰难的决定。尽管如此,到年底的时候还在那边的同事突然一起被裁掉还是很意外的。五年的旅程就此划上句点,长痛不如短痛。个人觉得也未尝不是一件好事。

2023是跌宕起伏的一年,有很多值得想念的人和事。I’ll treasure the memories.

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Final Fantasy XVI




在演出方面很明显的一个变化是成人向。不打码的F word和床戏,男女主之间不再是点到为止的暧昧而是真的谈起了恋爱,还有偶尔显得有些暗黑的剧情,比如去救人结果赶到发现都已经挂了这样的支线任务。个人觉得这类改动不过不失吧。



eBay Account Hacked

Last month right before our trip to Mexico City, I got a text message saying my PayPal account had a $11k charge and asking me if it was my authorization. I immediately replied no and verified that was a legit message from PayPal. We went onto the trip and I didn’t think of this matter in the next few days.

A week later, I noticed our checking account had a $11k withdraw from PayPal! WTF?! I called the bank immediately. They said the only thing they could do was to close my checking account and open a new one, and suggested me to contact PayPal first. Hence my month-long wrestling with PayPal began.

Before I go on to lay out my experiences with PayPal, I’ll list findings from our forensic checks of how the orders were placed without our knowledge. The result was very shocking to me.

  • My checking account was charged because it was linked to my PayPal account.
  • When the 11k charge happened, I got hundreds of spam emails within a few hours. Gmail blocked most of them but still more than 100 showed up in my inbox. Apparently hackers tried to overwhelm my inbox so I miss any alert emails.
  • My PayPal account was linked to Wen’s eBay account before.
  • Wen’s PayPal account was also linked to Wen’s eBay account, and also had 4 unauthorized charges since Aug 2023, total ~8k$. ~$4k was charged to our credit card reward points(!), which was very sneaky as reward point transactions have way less notifications and checks than usual credit card charges. The other ~$4k was charged to someone else’s card that hacker added to Wen’s PayPal.
  • Wen’s eBay account was hacked and all the orders were placed there. The orders were “hided” in eBay (not sure why eBay even has such a function…) so it was harder to notice at first. Wen’s eBay account didn’t have 2FA enabled before this. So it was a weak link. At first I thought this was the “entrance” the hacker found.
  • But a few days later I found Wen’s gmail was also hacked… there was a filter created in gmail to delete all emails with the words “eBay” or “PayPal”. This was why we didn’t notice any of the hack orders. Wen’s gmail apparently didn’t have 2FA enabled until Nov 2022. But she did place some order in Aug 2023 and received the emails. So the filter was created within Aug 2023, after her last legit order and before the first hack order.
  • eBay support said the hacked orders were placed from our home IP.
  • Wen’s Google account sessions don’t have devices or locations we don’t recognize.
  • Hacker’s “entrance” was likely one of Wen’s devices that has her gmail account logged in, and/or eBay logged in.
  • But at the end, I couldn’t confirm which device was hacked or how exactly the hacker took control of Wen’s accounts.

In the past few weeks I files several tickets with PayPal and had numerous calls with their support. The resolutions were really inconsistent and not transparent at all.

  • For the 11k charge on my PayPal account, I filed a ticket and claimed it was an unauthorized charge. I supposed it would be an easy case, as I replied the text message immediately and told PayPal it was unauthorized when the charge happened. But I got turned around several times. The case was denied after a few days. I called support. An agent told me to change it to “item not received”. I waited more days and seller apparently provided shipping confirmations, so the case was denied again. I called the support again to reopen the ticket and I reiterated it was a hack, and the case was denied after another week… I called PayPal support again and filed a new ticket and reiterated the same information again, and it was finally refunded this time…
  • I filed a ticket for the four hacked charges in Wen’s PayPal account as unauthorized access as well. To my surprise, three of them were refunded very quickly. But one smallest charge was left out and not refunded for unexplainable reason… I called PayPal support and one agent said she filed an appeal for me (essentially reopened the ticket). A few days later it came back denied again… I’ll keep argueing with PayPal support.

So in summary:

  • I got ~19k back among the ~20k stolen money (including ~4k on someone else’s stolen card), not too bad…
  • The hacker went away with the goods they bought. The refund I got probably came from either the seller or insurance.
  • I still don’t know exactly how the accounts were hacked…


Months later.. the hacker stroke again! A morning in April 2024, I woke up with several email notifications of Wen changed her PayPal password! I set up an email forwarding rule from Wen’s email to mine for any email with keyword PayPal or eBay, in a similar way as the hacker. And they stepped right in..

By examining Google account browsing history, I found the culprit was a mini gaming PC we bought from China last year, brand is MinisForum and model is HX99G. The hacker apparently controlled the PC’s browser which has Wen’s email logged in. They remotely controlled the browser to reset PayPal and eBay passwords, but I had removed all linked cards/accounts from PayPal, so they couldn’t do much.

I installed a bunch of anti-virus software to the computer. Norton found a Trojan malware camouflaged as a .NET runtime, and blocked a bunch of malicious traffic from east Europe. By examining the malware file creation time, I’m relatively sure they were installed before I bought the PC…

I wiped and reinstalled the system. A windows installation USB drive needs 8GB these days! It has been years since I installed a Windows and dealt with drivers. I learned Windows 11 didn’t let you install without Internet, but the WiFi card of this PC doesn’t have driver built in Windows, so I was stuck there for a while… and it took another hour or so for me to figure out how to install Bluetooth driver without a mouse. Fun times.

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上周二(Nov 14)在办公室正开着会,手机接二连三的收到短信。一看之下吃了一惊,我刚离开不久的B司大裁员了。说是要裁1/4的员工。最让我震惊的是Flux的人全都被裁了。Flux的产品虽然近半年来确实没几个客户在用,但是有一个大客户在做集成。一下子把人全都裁掉看起来是要砍掉这个产品的势头,不知道如何跟那个客户公司交代。但我又听说这事并没有通知到那个客户那里,唯一一个和客户直接对接的人没有被裁,难道要上演一番空城计?无论怎样,不再是我的问题了,哈哈。



周四本来B司纽约办公室的几个人还约了一个happy hour,于是临时变成了after-shock rant session。大家一番推测到底这事发生之前谁知道谁不知道,感觉知道的人还是比较少的,一两周之前还在各种开会讨论计划什么的。干活的人基本上都不知道。但某高层,aka.我前老板,很明显是知道的,还来纽约组织会议,就有些过假了。比较让我惊讶的一点是他在跟Flux的eng lead裁员talk的时候说裁整个Flux是他自己的决定,我有种不知道他这是要背锅还是要忏悔的感觉。



我想了一阵这个裁员和Flux最近纷纷走人的因果关系。从八月到十月Flux的几个骨干依次离职,Product VP,Customer Service VP,我,Yue。我的猜测是B司裁员这个事情在我走之前就决定了,今年的数字一直不太好看,裁员这种事从计划到施行也差不多需要至少两个月。但我有点怀疑这一番走人导致了具体裁的人倾向了Flux这边。Anyway,焉知非福。

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Guadalupe Mountains

新公司正式开张之前自然是要去玩一下的,毕竟接下来几个月可能会很忙。这次的主要目的地是德州最西边的Guadalupe Mountains国家公园,一方面是想找个温暖干燥的地方睡睡帐篷走走空无一人的山路,重温一下和EBC完全相反的爬山体验;另一方面也是为了在我的国家公园访问列表上喜加一。

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