
这几年和xw一起看的片越来越向轻喜剧方向发展,主要是xw经常表示上完班很累,懒得看更复杂的片。每天拿起遥控器基本上就是在romantic comedy和standup comedy这俩类型里选来选去。最近看得比较有剧情的片除了一直在跟的Succession,就是从头刷了一遍Yellowstone了。

Yellowstone这个老牛仔保卫牧场的片我一直就有点兴趣,主要是冲着Montana的风光和大量的户外镜头。xw则是看了某公众号的推荐就嚷嚷着要看,具体原因不明。这两年感觉这个片越来越火,就开了个Peacock账号看了一下。看完三季发现第四季居然Peacock上还没有。。看了点盗版觉得画质太差不能忍,于是去Amazon Prime买了看。这个streaming诸侯混战的时代刷个剧是真麻烦。

Yellowstone我看之前以为会有些黄石公园的镜头,没想到完全没有,只是设定这个牧场在黄石公园附近而已。风光倒的确是Montana那种big sky的感觉,应该是真的在那一带建了外景地拍的。前两季还经常飞个直升机,三四季改成了很多牛仔套牛驯马的情节,个人感觉更好看一些。



看过一个WSJ的文章说Yellowstone今年在美国各级市场都很popular,也就是说从大城市到小镇都有人看。相比之下Succession就是一个典型的只有大城市的人看的剧。想来Yellowstone里面不时表现出的保守派立场,和对加州人无情的嘲弄都赚到了不少小镇居民的好感。作为一个纽约人看这个片会有一点点getting out of bubble的感觉,当然这大多也就是幻觉而已。


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A few weeks ago I noticed Sense8 season 2 was available on Netflix, several years after season 1. I was a bit curious because I watched one episode of season 1 before and didn’t continue. How come this show released the 2nd season so long after? So I picked up this show and watched through the two seasons. During my view of the show, Netflix announced they canceled this show, so no season 3. The cancellation wasn’t a surprise after I watch this show, which seems very expensive to produce: they have to take lots of scenes at multiple locations across different continents…

So when I started watching Sense8, I thought it was a sci-fi show. After a while, I realized this was an LGBT show. Then I found it was actually a soft porn. Eventually, I confirmed it was still mostly a pro-LGBT show. Some plots seem a bit obsessive with LGBT advocating and deviate from the main storyline.

I still recommend Sense8 because of its aesthetic value. All leading actresses/actors are amazingly good-looking. I mean all 8 of them! And the cinematography is also incredible. Just watch the 2-minute opening titles, and you should be able to feel it. It was definitely a pity that the show got canceled.

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

最近一段时间看完了Breaking Bad的1~5季,前四季Netflix,第五季BT下的。。




Recent Watching TV Series

Still following TBBT, not that interesting anymore after watching 5 seasons. It’s just a habit to follow it.

“The Game of Thrones” is the hot one now. I’ve been enjoying it a lot, to see characters and plots in book picturized. Xw doesn’t like it very much though, as the TV series get rid of too many stories from the book.

“The Office” is a good one recommended by Netflix. We watched 2 episodes and found it very hilarious. People in my office look much more reasonable compared to those weirdos in this TV serial.

北京爱情故事(Beijing Love Story)……I can’t fucking believe I’m watching it!!!