
I’ve heard of the “all Audi A4” car rental service Silvercar for a while and always wanted to try it out. But its price in NYC is just not that competitive compared to other companies. One-day rental from its Manhattan/Brooklyn location is usually over 200$ and excluded from most promotions. On the recent travel to Las Vegas I finally gave it a try.

Overall the service was very good. There is a mobile app so I wondered if I would just unlock my car and go like some zipcar places. But actually there is a Silvercar shop at the location. The friendly staff there helped me situated in minutes.

The car itself was quite new and sleek. Audi definitely felt more powerful than most rental cars I was used to, as a result I probably drove a bit faster than usual during the 3-day rental, lol. The car is equipped with SIRIUS XM and heated seats, which are not often available in rental cars. Also a small USB car charger is provided as a nice little convenience, instead of being sold at the counter for 15 bucks… oh and the car has built-in WIFI!

However the experiences were not flawless, or as they advertised “car rental the way it should be”, mainly because the car is lack of 2 features: USB port and rear camera! Honestly I was supsurprised that the car had WIFI and LCD screen but no USB or rear camera, which are not rare from rental companies like AVIS anymore and I think they are very useful. In fact I often pick rental cars just by whether it has USB if I have several cars to choose from.

Other than that, there really isn’t much to complain. The return was easy and fast too. The location is not within LAS airport so a staff actually drove us to the terminal with our rental car, not by bus. The gas refill was 5$ convenience fee + 2.59$ per gallon while the usual gas price in town runs at 2.3~2.4$, pretty reasonable. Oh and the rental price was 39$ per day as a promotion. So in general I was pretty happy with the rental but next time I may just rent from Avis for USB port and rear camera… Avis is usually cheaper than Silvercar anyway.




这个游戏的主题十分吸引人:英雄,机甲(有模型的哦!),六角格地图,建筑加战斗。名字“镰刀”取了既是耕作工具又是战斗武器之意。实际玩起来会感到这个游戏设计的很精巧,糅合了各种流行桌游的元素,河流分隔的六角形地图和英雄能力很像Terra Mystica,建筑板和升级系统有点像Eclipse,工人放置,靠达成目标数结束游戏等机制也都似曾相识。总的来说并没有特别创新的系统,但是整个游戏的完成度非常高,系统各方面都打磨得很好,地图、卡牌和模型也都制作得十分精美。习惯这类桌游的玩家玩起来很快就能上手并且理解系统各方面之间的联系,并且有种欲罢不能的感觉。综合来看不愧是今年最受期待的桌游。



Revisit Diablo 3

最近在寻觅能和xw合作玩的PS4游戏的过程中想到了Diablo 3,于是买了个PS4版来玩,意外的发现比当年好玩了不少。

玩过D3的应该都知道这游戏刚发售的时候恶评如潮。原版和资料片Reaper of Souls我们都是第一时间开始玩的,感觉都是想法很好但是完成度不高,尤其是原版的end game的内容和可玩性远远不够。Reaper of Souls虽然加了不少东西,但大约也就是支持我们又玩了几周的样子就放下了。


现在一上来就可以选比较高的难度,对老玩家友好很多,通一遍剧情模式的过程中不知不觉的就升到70级。然后感觉暗金和绿装的掉率高多了,每个boss见面都会掉一件,剧情模式通关之后各种end game的内容更是随便发暗金,才打了几周我们每人就凑出了几套绿装和上百件暗金。记得D3取消拍卖所之后凭自己刷要凑齐绿装感觉像天方夜谭似的难。。另外现在的暗金和绿装的功能丰富有趣了很多,一两件特殊装备的功能组合就可以支持起一个打法,后期的打法更是靠多套绿装和暗金之间的功能组合来实现。自己能迅速的获得很多这些带有特殊功能的装备,使得游戏的乐趣在于组合这些装备和技能来尝试新的build,而不是主要在玩数值。

这次我玩的是Demon Hunter。到现在为止基本凑齐了Natalya, Shadow Mantle和Marauder这三个职业套装。Shadow Mantle作为一个要求拿近战武器的套装很好玩,配合30倍Fan of Knives伤害的小刀在T7可以刀扇清场,在T10也还可以用400倍伤害的单发小刀一下一下的秒人。Marauder套装召所有宠物之后配上每个宠物减伤9%的腰带以后就不怕挨打了,然后每个炮塔伤害加800%再加上能额外放两个炮台的箭筒和多放一个炮台的被动技能,整体build就算成型了。我感觉Marauder这个build可以一直打到Torment XIII。。

What The Fuck

Ok we all know Trump is kinda crazy and bullshitting all the time. Let’s hope he won’t do anything crazily bad and things don’t get too messy in the next 4 years.


