Fitbit Flex上手简评

Pre-order的Fitbit Flex付款出了点问题,于是一直拖到去Florida前一天才收到。正好旅游的时候用上了,到现在用了大约三周,可以简单评论一下了。




一个附加功能是振动闹钟。由于在手腕上所以还挺好用。这种产品感觉唯一合适的形态就是腕带,我很难想象成天带着一个放在兜里的东西。Fitbit Flex这个腕带还挺舒适的,戴着感觉还不错。充电方面大约五六天充一次,充电速度不算快大约要几小时,如果能再快点充电就好了。

Zipcar, Practice Driving

After missing a stop sign and failing my 1st road test in NYC, I decided to give it more practice time before the next try. As the test officer said, it usually takes ~50 hours driving time to manage this skill. And it was a bit too aggressive for me to jump into the test after 5-hour lessons…

NYC is different than other places in US. Not many friends own cars and live close to me. So I got a zipcar membership with my Chinese driver license. It allows me to rent cars by hours. Good for practice driving.

Last Saturday I had my first Zipcar trip! With riki riding the shotgun, and riki’s wife sitting in the back… We rent a Mini Cooper just for trying this famous model. It took me 5 minutes to figure out how to ignite it. Then the whole car feels like a big plastic toy. It’s small and easy to control. During the exam I turned either too wide or too narrow. But with this Mini I made turns well at most times.

We drove around my neighborhood for about 15 minutes then drove all the way down to Brooklyn Chinatown. Parked. Had some Yunnan flavor snacks. Then headed back. There was a little pressure on the way back because of the time limit of returning cars. I extended the rent for 30 minutes, but heavy traffic and a few wrong turns still put us on a tight schedule. When we drove into the parking lot there was only 3 minutes left!

It feels much better to drive a car out of driving school. The coach in school always tried to interfere with my driving, like using the break on his side or tune the wheel. The result was I didn’t know how it would be when I drive by myself. Now I has a better idea. I’ll practice a few more times and do the road test again!

If you read this post and want to join Zipcar, here is my referral link: (25$ free driving credit).

2012 Game Summary

  • [XBox 360] Skyrim all achievement. That’s a long one.
  • [XBox 360] Gear of War 3. It’s a short one. Rented from GameFly. Played a few rounds online. Interesting, but I still don’t want to commit too much time on a single game.
  • [XBox 360] Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. It’s OK. A perfect GameFly game.
  • [XBox 360] Final Fantasy XIII-2. Actually very good as a successor game. I don’t expect a wonderful story, and all other aspects are pretty well done.
  • [3DS] Super Mario 3D. Very disappointing. I should have sold my 3DS after this game. But it is still in the closet.
  • [PC] Diablo 3. I was super excited when this game launched. And it is almost as good as I expected, seriously. I spent probably a few hundreds of hours on it. However its after-game is not as attractive as Monster Hunter. Either too challenging or not challenging enough. And it’s also a bummer to find the most efficient way of improving your character is trading. I basically gave this game up after 1.0.5.
  • [XBox 360] Mass Effect 3. My 2013 “land mine” game! (Dark Soul was my land mine of 2012, FYI.) This game gave me a lesson: evaluate a game by its demo, not by its fame.
  • [PC] Dishonored. The game I have been playing recently. Haven’t finished it yet. But I will give this game a 4~4.5 star. This is the first infiltration game that interested me to play through. I like it.

Besides games, I feel 2012 was not a year for me. It was the 1st year I live in US. I didn’t travel except the business trip back to China. I didn’t even get a driver license… I still do some board games and try to develop some new hobbies. However I broke my elbow before the new year’s eve. There were too few good drinks to remember and too few good stories to tell this year, or, fewer than I wanted.

Elbow Dislocation

Last year, between Christmas and New Year, I went to BKB with riki couple for rock climbing and fell off from 3~4 meters to mat, face down, flat landing. Aft first I thought everything is OK, until I felt my right arm was not under control and saw the bones made an eerie shape at the elbow. Yes, everyone can tell it’s dislocated just on a sight… Surprisingly, I felt no pain at all at that time, just lost control of the arm.

Q: Isn’t there a rope to hang you from falling?
A: I was doing “bouldering”. It’s a kind of free climbing without ropes but with thick mats on the ground.

As it’s a rock climbing gym, my first thought was there must be someone who can fix my arm in 5 minutes, so was riki’s. However it turned out there isn’t such a superman. The manager called 911 then filled an accident form. In 5 minutes the ambulance arrived and we were taken to a hospital named Lutheran. I’ll never go to this hospital ever.

In the emergency room, I experienced how slow American’s “emergency room” could be. I waited 20 minutes just to start my paper work, waited 2 hours for the X-ray check, waited 3 hours for the physician to start working on my elbow. During all these 3 hours my elbow was dislocated and swelling, the pain level rose from almost nothing to I could barely help yelling. They said it was “change of shift” time so I had to wait a long time for X-ray. How was emergency room supposed to work? 2-hour dinner break and let patients die? I was seriously shocked by the sluggish process and stupid people in this hospital, when the “doctor” sit in front of a computer and typed 20 minutes, and when the “technician” sit beside the empty X-ray room and I was waiting outside for 15 minutes… I really couldn’t and still can’t believe how broken this hospital’s process is.

Anyway I left that hospital after 5 hours. The only “good” thing was they found I.V. was not strong enough for me to relax the muscles so they used morphine on me. My heart immediately felt some contraction at the second morphine flew into my vessels. And the pain went away in a few seconds. It was like someone was counting down: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and my pain level dropped with it. Quite impressive.

4 days later I went to Beth Israel for an orthopedist followup. It went pretty smoothy. They cut off the splints, did another X-ray and gave me a new device to immobilize my arm. The joint recovered well, though I had lots of gross blisters around the elbow. I guess the initial splints were over tight.

I lived a resting life for about one week. Laying on couch, elevating my arm (sometimes like a Young Pioneer of China), watching movies and TV shows, ordering food online and picking deliveries in underwear… 3 movies a day really fed me up. I even lost 3 pounds after this week.

And in this “lefty” week I found something really difficult to do with one hand only, such as buttoning up jeans, twisting open a bottle, wearing earbuds, etc. And most things are, surprisingly, pretty doable with one hand. I went back to work today and can type with 2 hands perfectly fine now, yeah!

Sandy Relief Volunteering

上周收到同事群发的邮件,召集志愿者去做飓风之后的清理工作。闲来无事也想去看看那些地方怎么样了,就报名参加了。纽约现在有很多组织在进行这类活动,我参加的这个是New York Cares的。其它比如还有个叫Occupy Sandy的规模也挺大。今天去干活的时候还听说旁边有个摩门聚居区有很多从别的州来的摩门教的志愿者。需要志愿者做的工作也是五花八门,我们今天去做的这个属于muck out,简单的说就是清理房屋里被水淹了的东西。其它有些是分发物资,有些是挨家挨户敲门登记需要的援助,也有更专业点的比如riki去坐台给人提供法律援助,以及会出现富人跑去直接按人发现金(当然这个就不是志愿者什么的了)。



这活动组织得很好,校车准时从downtown接送,营地有免费的水和很好吃的热狗。装备也很齐全,头盔口罩手套连体劳动装,都还是很有必要的。去的人其实大多都是从飓风之后就经常去的,像我这样过了一个月才突然想起来要去的不太多。虽然已经过了一个月了但需要帮助的人还是很多。现在的状况似乎是周末的志愿者比较多,但是工作日去的人就少多了。这活动的组织者很多都是全职的公益组织的成员,不少是从外州过来的。我觉得NY Cares的组织已经很到位了,主要还是需要更多的宣传吧。