一方面开始重新给吃的计数。这次我用了一个叫Noom的app,并没有搞Keto,只是计算每天吃进去的卡路里尽量不超标。Noom这个app很强调心理作用,每天会提示你看一些小课程,反复给你强调“相信自己能减下去就能减下去”。然后有一些还挺有用的小tips,其中我比较有印象的几点包括在饮食控制方面不要想着少吃不健康食物,要想着多吃健康食物,健康食物把肚子塞满了其他的自然也就吃得少了。。还有water is a magic ingredient,多喝水是有饱腹感可以减少吃零食的。Noom会根据每天的运动量显示摄入的卡路里目标,于是吃东西的时候随时记一下就可以看到是不是超标。
皇家骑士团(以下简称皇骑)是3D小地图战棋游戏的始祖。我在学校玩PS模拟器的时代有一阵很痴迷于FFT(Final Fantasy Tactics),就是照着皇骑的系统做了一个FF主题的战棋,对当年的FF粉来说也是神作。那会儿FFT我应该是来回打过好几遍,照着天幻网一边看攻略查资料一边打,各种打法都试过。对里面一些比较酷炫的职业比如忍者,武士,计算士到现在还印象深刻。但当年不知为何就没玩皇骑这个老前辈。最近看到出了重生版就买来补个课。拿到之后发现查中文攻略还是要到天幻上去查,真是怀旧感爆棚。
A few years ago, xw bought me a nice bathrobe. It’s warm and super comfortable, so I often wear it at home. Then I started working on Flux and often worked from home. This bathrobe became my signature “work attire” since I only needed to zoom with a handful of friends at Flux for the first year. It became a tradition. Every new member would soon learn “Wei usually shows up in a bathrobe on zoom.” And we did a few “bathrobe” zoom parties during the pandemic and even sent every team member a bathrobe with the Flux logo as a nice company swag.
A bathrobe is usually comfy but not meant to be durable, especially if you wear it day to day. After a few years, the elbows of my robe were all worn out. Wen bought two patches and patched the elbows. Then this year, the whole robe started falling apart. Big holes showed up all over the robe. Today I finally said goodbye to this robe and ordered a replacement.
I miss the days I felt comfortable to zoom with colleagues in a bathrobe. It was a high bar of how tightly knitted a team is.
大约一个月之前xw突然说一月初她要去以色列出差。虽然并不知道以色列有什么好玩的,本着在旅游地图上开疆扩土的目的我还是立马就订票了。之后忙忙叨叨去Turks and Caicos玩,只简单计划了前几天xw在特拉维夫上班我在那儿玩,后两天去耶路撒冷。我还开始读了一本厚达900页的耶路撒冷史书Jerusalem: The Biography,虽说是非虚构正史,但写得还是比较生动活泼的并且是2011年的畅销书,可以看得下去。出发之前读了三分之一刚刚读到穆罕穆德建立伊斯兰教,进度也还可以了吧,哈哈。